Oct 11, 2012

Veggie Patch Extension

Knowing how much I love the veggie patch to the point that it has been overflowing with produce, Mr L'Orange decided to enlarge it for me. See how handy, he has become, he now even volunteers for tasks!

Despite driving rain and chilly temperatures Mr L'Orange braved the elements to add new timbers to the existing raised bed.

We did the same as before and layered the base of the bed with newspaper followed by a layer of leaves before adding the veggie mix compost to the top. Constructing these layers, really seems to help the soil plus it saves you a bit of money as the veggie compost is pretty expensive at $70 a tonne.

The start of the compost going in, it just took a few barrel loads to get it filled, you can see the jam packed existing bed to the right.

The finished veggie patch extended on both the right and left giving us about double the space. As soon as the topsoil was in we got busy planting seedlings and can now look forward to spanish onions, carrots and zucchini in approximately 8 weeks!

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